
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

First Come Love, Second Comes Marriage, Then Comes a Baby in a Baby Carriage

I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with that playground rhyme.

My Boyfriend "Announcement"
Yes indeed it came first. Our love story happened so quickly that even when I take a stroll through memory lane, I’m shocked at how fast everything has happened. We met in late 2012 through a mutual friend and the help of my sister. I wasn’t too sure about him at first. I was always hearing “he was talking about you today” or “him and his friends check you out as you walk into the building” or “he asked about you today”… Yet EVERY time I happened to come into his office – NADA. I was like seriously?!  He would act like he didn’t see me or he was too busy to pay me any mind. It was so irritating! So I called BULLSHIT. I ended up bumping into him at the lovely club [if that’s what you wanna call it]. We barely talked, but just that little exchange of words had me leaning towards the “potential” side a tad bit more. After that, he FINALLY acknowledged me when I was in his office; to me that meant *progress. We finally made plans to go bowling. I thought we were just hanging out AS FRIENDS so I invited my sister. I was hoping it would help make things less nerve wracking since she was a mutual connection. My sister never showed -_- but hey, maybe it worked out for the best ;) [haha]. The entire time I was on my cellphone texting her because he made me so fkn nervous! In another point of view, I probably came off really rude. After that, I invited him to Thanksgiving dinner at my Parents’ house.  

TIME OUT – I didn’t mean that we got super serious after ONE damn date. My Mom always makes it a habit that if any of our friends didn’t have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving or in his case, he didn’t go home for the holiday that we invite them over so they could have a nice big, free meal and some nice company.

He didn’t show.

I kind of kept my distance from him for a while; not only because he didn’t come over, but he posted a pic of him and his best friend – who I thought, was his boo. Yes, one of his besties doesn’t have testies. So I thought I was categorized in the FRIEND ZONE. Then there was the fact that he went back home to CA for a while, I thought he’d forget me or reignite some old flame or let alone hook up with someone.  

But even then, he still kept texting me (:

Next thing you know, we hung out for my birthday. Then we hit up a small club together and he helped me escape all the NON-POTENTIALS. He was seriously making me go all googly eyes for him. After that we started hanging out a lot more often; after work and on the weekends. He brought me around his group of friends. Then on Valentine’s Day (2013) he took me to dinner at a restaurant I had never been to – Morgan’s in downtown New Bern [it’s delicious btw] – and after dinner we sat by the water and just talked about anything and everything. The best part of that night?  

He asked me to be his girlfrwend [teehee].

Then the craziness began. We’d go on random road trips and he was/is so good with my little big man. I was falling head over heels for this one. He definitely was a catch. Once April came around we found a nice townhouse to move into – TOGETHER! Not too long after we began living together, I became pregnant with our newbie. In June we flew to CA so I could meet his family and we can finally tell them in person that we were expecting. While we were there on vacation he proposed to me! Then the following month we got married! 

I told you it all happened so fast.

Our Wedding Day
This hasn’t been the easy part. If you think that when you get married it’ll always be rainbows and unicorns – please punch yourself in the face repeatedly. Like any relationship, it’s work. We not only had to learn to live with each other, but we were still learning about each other; until this day we still are. We’ve been together for over a year and next month marks a year we’ve been married. We annoy each other. We get frustrated with each other. We [a lot of times] don’t know how to communicate with each other. There are plenty of times where I want to pull my hair out because of a lot of things he does or doesn’t do. The added stress makes me fly off the edge. At the end of the day, through all of that we still want to be together. He is definitely the opposite of me. He shrugs everything off and I try to make sure everything is good to go. I’m the one who will bitch people out and he’s the one laughing at you. He makes me happy though. Sometimes when I’m at the verge of breathing fire or the smoke is starting to seep out of my ears because of how pissed off I am, he somehow will manage to make me smile. The oddest thing to me is I never felt like were “brand new” to each other. Obviously in our supersonic speed of a relationship you’d think otherwise, but – put me down for no [in my Fat Amy voice]. I don’t feel like he’s some stranger I ended up marrying; 

I feel like he’s familiar to me.

He’s my soul mate.
Our First Family Photo

Let – me – tell – you! With just the 2 of my boys [okay 3 if you include my man child aka hubby] I feel like they’re a handful. My little big man is well behaved; no problems in that department. He knows he’d get in big ass trouble if he was misbehaving.

I am a firm believer in SPANKING THAT ASSnot abusing your child; get it right, they are two different things.

He does catch an attitude every once in a while, but he is getting to that age where they are bratty little shits. Plus, you have to take into consideration all the shit he’s been through – that I put him through. He’s been my #1 fan, my partner in crime, my ride or die since he could walk. It’s hard to blame him. My newbie has a nice set of lungs on him. I’m surprised I haven’t had any neighbors knocking on my door bitching about how loud he screams. You would think we were pulling off his toenails one by one, when in reality he woke up from his nap. We’re very humorous parents though. I don’t let the words of other people get in the way of how I raise my kids. You heard me right… [or read me right?] They’re OURS, not anyone else’s. We laugh when they trip over their own feet [at least my little big man] and imitate them when they whine. It’s what parents do [at least what we do]. 
“Parenting without a sense of humor is like being an accountant who sucks at math.”
They drive me nuts, but I love them more than anything. 
That’s not all! That’s not all!...

[oh God…]
To Be Continued (:


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