
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Recipe of the Week: Lemon Pepper Chicken

Helluuuuur gorgeous!

So I noticed I haven't posted a ROTW in a good while.  NO BUENO!  And don't worry, I noticed I didn't post at all last week :(  I'll admit it, I'm slacking major.  No worries -- I am here to save your evening!

Ok... that was lame, but shut up and keep reading!

Please... :)

I discovered this recipe on accident.  Yes, I've heard of "lemon pepper" chicken, but never cared to make it nor try it.  Long story short - I took some chicken out to thaw, forgot to go to the store to gather the rest of my ingredients, and then noticed I had lemon pepper seasoning.

As Gru says.. "Lightbulb!" [I love Despicable Me (: with or without my kids]

So here you go, you can thank me later:

*P.S. the measurements are based on your own judgement*

Super Quick and Easy Lemon Pepper Chicken

3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Extra Virgin Olive Oil [or your preference of oil]
Lemon Pepper Seasoning

13 x 9 baking dish
Mixing bowl

1. Preheat your oven to 350
2. Pour about 2-3 inches of the extra virgin olive oil into a mixing bowl, enough to coat all your chicken
3. Sprinkle the lemon pepper seasoning into the mixing bowl
4. Stir, stir, stir
5. Take each chicken, one by one, and toss it around [but don't get crazy] in the mix until it's coated in the oil/seasoning mixture
6. Coat the bottom of the 13 x 9 baking dish with a LITTLE bit of the oil/seasoning mixture, and then place your coated chicken into your baking dish
7. You can even lightly coat the top of your chicken with the remainder of your mixture.
8. Place the baking dish into the oven for 45 minutes to an hour

I serve mine with some yummy mashed potatoes and green beans.

Bon Appétit!


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